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دانلود آهنگ جدید ENHYPEN به نام Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER)

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دانلود آهنگ جدید Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER) به نام ENHYPEN

دانلود آهنگ جدید ENHYPEN به نام Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER)

Download Music ENHYPEN Called Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER)

دانلود آهنگ Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER) از ENHYPEN با کیفیت ۳۲۰ و ۱۲۸ به همراه متن ترانه و پخش آنلاین موزیک از بی تی اس موزیک

متن اهنگ Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER) ENHYPEN

─── ︴ ♪♪♩♩♩♪♪︴ ───

Hop in Big thrills
절정에 올라타
날 깨워 in this boring life
답 없어 이 세계는
현실, 가상 다 unify
천만 관객 focus on me
Don’t miss it my movie time

Hop in Big thrills
Building to the climax
Waking me up in this boring life
This world has no answers
The reality, virtual unify
The huge audience focus on me


No 행인
할거라면 제대로 해
차지해 자린 main
Keep runnin’ and fighting 즐겨 마치 없듯이 내일
Feel like I’m in paradise camera’s on
Screen 안속 세계에서만큼 yeah I’m the boss

No passerby
Do it properly if you’re going to do it
The main that is occupied
Keep runnin’ and fighting as if there’s no tomorrow
Feel like I’m in paradise camera’s on
As much as the world on the screen yeah
I’m the boss


Way out way out
없어 그냥 뚫고 가
고난도 난
여기선 즐길 뿐이야

Way out way out
None, just go through
The high difficulty
Just having fun


심장이 뛰어 bump bump
죽어도 I’ll be back thumbs up
이 세계에 나를 던져
이젠 jump off

The heart is pumping bump bump
Even if I die, I’ll be back thumbs up
Throw me into this world
Now jump off


겁 없이 살고파
가슴이 뛰고파 (주인공 같이)
저 세계는 땀 흥건해질 thrill up
I got you

Live without fears
My chest is thumping
(like the main character)
That world is full of swear thrill uo
I got you


원하고 있어
나만의 특별한 Blockbuster
운명을 타고난 주인공
내 뜻대로 세상이 펼쳐져
I’m feeling it feeling it
액션 영화처럼

I want it
My special Blockbuster
The main character following destiny
The world is opening like what I desired
I’m feeling it feeling it
Like an action movie


맘대로 세상을 흔들어
꿈꾸는 그대로 이뤄져
하고 싶은 대로 다 질러도 끝까지 살아남지
Like a blockbuster
(blockbuster, blockbuster)

The world is shaking at its own will
The dream is coming true as it is
Even if you do whatever you desire, I will survive
Like a blockbuster
(blockbuster, blockbuster)


꿈꿔왔잖아 저 위 하늘을 멋지게 나는 hero
티켓만큼 팔려나가 내 action figure
No limit go faster
밟아 더 엑셀
200 찍고 달리는 ride
Villain도 나는 못 잡아

I have dreamt till now,
the hero that is flying high up in the sky
The action figure that is selling out like tickets
No limit go faster
The ride going on 200
Even the villain can’t catch me


정해진 길은 없어
내가 정해 내 기로
불가능도 가능케 해
안된다면 CG로
Every day’s like a party
지루한 충고는 뒤로
원해 왔던 life
이제 이 세상을 움직여
(Are you ready?)

There’s no set road
I decided on my pathways
Making the impossible possible
If not, the CG every day’s like a party
Putting the boring advice behind
The life you’ve been wanting this whole time
Now move this world (Are you ready?)


겁 없이 살고파
가슴이 뛰고파
저 세계는 땀 흥건해질 thrill up
I got you

Live without fears
My chest is thumping
(like the main character)
That world is full of swear thrill uo
I got you


원하고 있어
나만의 특별한 Blockbuster
운명을 타고난 주인공
내 뜻대로 세상이 펼쳐져
I’m feeling it feeling it
액션 영화처럼

I want it
My special
The main character following destiny
The world is opening like what I desired
I’m feeling it feeling it
Like an action movie


맘대로 세상을 흔들어
꿈꾸는 그대로 이뤄져
하고 싶은 대로 다 질러도 끝까지 살아남지
Like a blockbuster

The world is shaking at its own will
The dream is coming true as it is
Even if you do whatever you desire,
I will survive
Like a blockbuster


Now Now Now 숨막히게
Now Now Now 거침없게
Now Now Now 짜릿하게
살길 원해
액션 영화처럼

Now Now Now
Now Now Now relentlessly
Now Now Now exhilarating
Want to live
Like an action movie


되고 싶어
거친 액션의 Main actor
목말라 눈으로 보는 장면 만으론
객석 위의 모두가
나만 바라보는 세계
좀 더 희열이 넘쳐나게
꽉 채워 Running time

I want to become
The main actor of rough action
I’m getting thirsty from just looking at the scene
Everyone in the audience
The world I see
Overflowing with joy
Fill it up, running time


원하고 있어
나만의 특별한 Blockbuster
운명을 타고난 주인공
내 뜻대로 세상이 펼쳐져
I’m feeling it feeling it
액션 영화처럼

I want it
My special
The main character following destiny
The world is opening like what I desired
I’m feeling it feeling it
Like an action movie


맘대로 세상을 흔들어
꿈꾸는 그대로 이뤄져
하고 싶은 대로 다 질러도 끝까지 살아남지
Like a blockbuster

The world is shaking at its own will
The dream is coming true as it is
Even if you do whatever you desire,
I will survive
Like a blockbuster


Now Now Now 숨막히게
Now Now Now 거침없게
Now Now Now 짜릿하게
살길 원해
액션 영화처럼

Now Now Now suffocating
Now Now Now relentlessly
Now Now Now exhilarating
Want to live
Like an action movie

─── ︴ ♪♪♩♩♩♪♪︴ ───

پخش آنلاین موزیک Blockbuster (Feat. YEONJUN of TOMORROW X TOGETHER)
دانلود آهنگ با کیفیت عالی 320

آهنگ های مرتبط ENHYPEN

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